Friday, June 1, 2007

I am a bad blogger

So now that we no longer have an internet connection at home while we are moving I have been severely neglecting the blog.

Things are pretty crazy at work so I never really have a chance to update here either...

Everything is going A-OK, the baby is turned already (at week 31) so it looks like it will not be a c-section for me, and I promise an update early next week. In the meantime, here are a few photos to chew on...and a big congrats to CM and Natalie who found out today that they are having a boy!

Photos are of what I have taken to calling "the pink room"....1/3 of it is finished, the other 2/3 is full of shelves full of carpenter shit like drill bits, paint cans, can see some of it in the third photo.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Me at 26 weeks

So, for those of you who have been pestereing me for photos, this one will have to do for now.

It is from this morning, day 1 of my 26th week, so at the end of the second trimester.

My hair is still wet, no makup, still kinda sleepy and you can see that our place is kind of in disarray due to the upcoming move. I'll work on getting some better ones soon!
Although I noticed when I looked at the photo that I am actually bigger than I thought I was!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oh yeah.....

Something else I don't like is not being able to see your bikini line anymore! And seeing the inside of your belly button is weird....

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do I like being pregnant?

People keep asking me if I "like" being I have a choice now huh?
For the record, I don't mind it, but am in the "good" phase now...not sick, and not too big! Although I can't really say that I enjoy getting my skin all stretched out and being tired all the time. But I guess it is the first of a long list of sacrifices that we make for our children, huh? If my mom did it for me, and her mom for her, then I guess it is my turn!

So, here is my list of things I like, and do not like, about being pregnant

Things I like:
- When people give me seats on the bus or metro. Even though I am not really tired, or don't need a seat, it's nice to have one. Sometimes I try to stick out my belly a little more so it is more evident that I am pregnant so they will give me their seat. Sometimes it works...more on this later.

-Ice cream. I can eat it and not feel too bad. I did not even really like ice cream until a few months ago. This weekend I actually bought a whole Dairy Queen ice cream cake and attack it with a fork every night. Yum.

- When people won't let you carry stuff or do stuff that you know you could do if you wanted to. Like put paper in the printer, carry boxes or bags.

- People are generally nicer to you and smile at you more.

-Shopping for baby stuff is actually kinda fun.

Things I don't like
-Heartburn. Really really don't like this one.

-Being stuck having to buy ugly maternity clothes at Thym because there are not enough nice maternity shops, or the nice ones are too expensive to buy since I won't wear them long enough.
The tops are boring and and are all the same, the jeans and pants look cheap, the dress cuts are bad...they stock colours, prints, fabrics and styles of clothes that I would never wear if I was not pregnant, things that old people wear...has anyone ever found anything remotely "chic" or stylish in that store???

- Answering the same questions all the time. "August 4th", "a girl", "no, no more morning sickness", "no, no weird cravings", "my last day at work will probably be July 15th", "no the nursery is not ready yet", 'No I don't need help with this, thanks"

- Can't eat chocolate or shrimp

- Having everyone give you advice...I don't give a shit about your sister in law's breastfeedng habits and that your cousin's baby slept through the night at 6 weeks old.

- When assholes cut in front of you and steal your seat on the bus, or "pretend" not to notice that you are pregnant so they don't have to give you their seat. It's no so bad now, but when I satrt to get "cankles" I think I will mind more.

- Crazy people who do exactly what the other crazy peope on the internet tell you that you can't do, and then tell you that you are not allowed to get any sunlight, sleep on your stomach, go to the dentist, reach for stuff on shelves above your head, eat hot dogs, turkey sandwiches, sushi, peanut butter, honey, feta cheese, french fries, caffeine, diet stuff with Splenda.........moderation, people!

I'm back!

Dear Blog,
I am very sorry for having neglected you these days, I am spending way tooo much time on Facebook!

So, last night was the hospital visit and I am officially freaked out. CATHETERS? IVs? Those heart monitor pads like you see in soap operas? I was not aware of all the medical devices that would be used in see, I have never spent any time in a hospital. Never an overnight stay, never a broken bone (ok, I broke my big toe when I fell off my bike in grade 6 but I did not even go to the clinic for that), never even a trip to emergency...heck, I have only had three blood tests in my life and 2 of them have been in the past 4 months! So the prospect of getting hooked up to all that stuff is pretty scary to me...I actually set my PVR last night to record "A Baby Story" every day so I can do some "research".

Question of the week: Did you choose to have an epidural? If not, why not? Maybe it's me, but why would someone want to experience the birthing process in pain? Other than hippie, "earth mother" types (and there are quite a few of them in my Prenatal yoga class), is there any reason why you would not want to get one? I know, a needle in the spine is not very pleasant, or maybe you didn't have time, the anesthesiologist was busy, etc, but did anyone out ther consciously decide not to have an epidural?

Question of the week # 2: To breastfeed or not to breastfeed? Actually, let me try to breastfeed until your nipples rae purple and bleeding or to give up and bottle feed? I have heard horror stories about evil nurses saying, "try one more time, it's better for the baby" as your nipples are sprouting this true? When do you give up and move to a bottle? HOW much better is breatfeeding?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tum...tum tum tum TUMS!

I did not even know what heartburn was until about three weeks I eat Rolaids and Tums like candy! So gross, I hate heartburn...and it seems like everything I like gives it to me!
So unpleasant to burp your lunch at 3:30 in the afternoon.....

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Workin 9 to 5...

Or more like 8:30 to 6 I guess!

So, for those of you wondering what exactly I do for a living, or at least for the next three months until I have a year off (and I am sure note even my mother knows exactly), here's the deal.

I used to work for the Dairy Farmers of Canada in Marketing, so all those butter and cheese TV commercials, print ads, brochures in grocery stores, etc, that was what I did. I also ran the Olympic sponsorship program, which was really cool, since we established a fund for Olympic athletes who were in the top 6-15 in their field, to help give them the $$ they needed to get to the top of the podium. The fund really worked, actually: some of the recipients became world champions, such as Clara Hughes, Emilie Heymans, Jeff Pain, Sara Renner, Erik Guay, Joannie Rochette, Marie-France Dubreuil & Patrice Lauzon, etc, etc. I had a chance to meet some great athletes "before they were stars". You should have seen some of the applications, some of the athletes were practically starving, living on Kraft Dinner, and now they are on top of the world.

Now, I work for the Canadian Medical Association, which is the professional organization that represents doctors across Canada. I was promoted a few months ago from Director of Marketing of what I guess you could call the "web" division (three different properties in this division) to Product Manager of the website:

Layman's terms: I manage the website

The website is more than just a site, it is actually more like a portal, a place for doctors to look up information on disease conditions to make more informed diagnoses, drug interactions to ensure that the medication they are prescribing do not conflict with one another, along with research textbooks and journals, neat tools such as a wizard to make their own websites, practice management advice, etc, etc.

Our "vision" is to have every doctors' office in Canada connected to the internet, and looking things up on our site during the clinical encounter (ie, when you visit the doctor) to enhance the patient care that doctors deliver to patients across Canada.

I have a feeling it is going to be tough for me to "let go" of the corporate world for a whole year, although everyone tells me that it is actually tough to go back once you leave!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Girls, girls, girls!!

Red lips...fingertips...

So it is official, it's a GIRL!
Although with the "family curse" I should have known! When I started thinking about it, how could I NOT have a girl?

- My grandfather Hickey had 1 brother, 6 sisters
- My grandfather Boulay had 3 brothers, 11 sisters
- Out of all my generation (cousins), there are 10 girls and 3 boys
- Of all the cousins that had or are having babies, there are 6 girls, no boys!

Alas....the next generation of family reunions will also be "pink lettuce" parties!
My sister's twins (due three days before me) are also girls.

Let the princess parade begin!!!

Although, being in the ultrasound clinic made me realise that I am just a bit smaller than the rest of the 19-week ladies, probably about 2 weeks of growth behind....but I am sure I will catch up very soon!

Also a note to all you ladies in NB, you are very lucky, since my hospital does not warm up the ultrasoud gel! They said it might foster bacteria growth....rrrrr.....

Here is the ultrasound, it pretty much looks the same as the 13 week one so I wasn't going to pay the $10 for the pics but they gave them to me. I like the foot one.

I have been practicing my mothering skills with my new buddy, Babo. He is an "uglydoll" that I bought a few months ago for my friend's baby and decided to keep. Here is his photo. Matt does not like him, but between you and me, I think he is jealous.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A long me-kend

So, Mathieu is gone out west on a ski trip until Monday morning. I thought about going to Ottawa or Toronto but decided to have a me-kend! So me and my munchkin will be doing some bonding!

We will be doing great mother-offspring activities, such as...

- Eating Chunky Monkey ice cream and Kettle Creek Salt and Vinegar chips for supper. Every day.
- Reading obscene amounts of internet celebrity gossip
- Renting neat documentaries that Matt would not like, like Jesus Camp and Stupidity
- Finally installing the PVR, and watching back-to-back-to-back Law and Order episodes. And Law and Order: SUV. But not the Criminal Intent version, that curly grey-haired guy freaks me out.
- Watching Grey's Anatomy Season 1
- Watching nerd tv shows about Pyramids and Mummies
- NOT watching Dog the Bounty Hunter or King of Cars
- Watching TV is the dark! Matt freaks and says it is bad for your eyes. It is going to be so dark that I am going to go blind.

I should probably vacuum, but my friend Nathalie told me that pregnant ladies should not vacuum. But then, I think of those ladies in Africa who have to carry water on their heads for miles and are 8 months pregnant. And what about ladies who work as janitors and HAVE to vacuum? So this is somewhat of a moral dilemma for me....